Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Productivity Based on Style of Clothing

Like everyone, I have days when I wake up ready to go and others in which I want to stay in my sweats all day.

It's interesting to me that my productivity level is based on how I dress. If I stay in my pajamas doing the dishes seems less and less appealing, and the feeling of wanting to go back to bed never really goes away. Conversely, when the pajamas are cast aside and real clothes put on, I feel ready to get to work.

When writing, I can usually get more work done if the "I'm dressed" mindset is present. But then I get the wiggles. That horrible feeling when your jeans have slid up or down and are just plain uncomfortable and you just have to get up and wiggle them back to the proper place.

So then I stay in my sweats for their comfort level. But no real work gets done because I just can't seems to completely wake up.


Which to you prefer when you're working at home: dressed or sweats?

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